Leontes at Shakespeare Festival St. Louis
photo by J. David Levy

Marplot in The Busybody at the Clarence Brown
photo by Brynn Yeager

Iago with The Porters of Hellsgate
photo by Zachary Andrews

Romeo at The Denver Center
with Lenne Klingaman as Juliet
photo by Jennifer M. Koskinen

Christmas Carol at IRT
with Amanda Catania
Photo by Zach Rosing

Macbeth at Sierra Rep.
photo by Rich Miller

Henry V at Shakespeare Santa Cruz
photo by Shmuel Thaler

King Louis XIII at The Denver Center
photo by Jennifer M. Koskinen

Hotspur at Shakespeare Festival St. Louis
photo by Sarah Conrad

Adolph in Creditors at E.T.C.
with Mitchell Thomas as Gustav
photo by David Bazemore

The Man in the Iron Mask at Shakespeare Santa Cruz
photo by rr jones

Iago with The Porters of Hellsgate
with Gus Krieger as Roderigo
photo by Zachary Andrews

Trotter in The Mousetrap at IRT
with Cassandra Bissel as Molly
photo by Zach Rosing

Henry V at Shakespeare Santa Cruz
photo by Shmuel Thaler

As Romeo at Shakespeare Santa Cruz
with Caitlin Fitzgerald as Juliet
photo by Schmuel Thaylor

Rich in As Is with New American Theatre