Artistic Director: Porters’ 2019 promo vid with interviews and footage from previous productions.

Actor: “Two on the Aisle” review of Winter’s Tale at Shakespeare Festival St. Louis; some footage of the production and some kind words about my Leontes. (And Rachel Christopher’s Paulina was incredible.)

Actor: wonderful documentary on The Busy Body at The Clarence Brown Theatre. Interviews and a lot of great show footage. (Charlotte Munson’s Miranda was spectacular.)

Actor: interview with the cast of Two Gents at the Indiana Repertory Theatre.

Director: Timon of Athens promo for the Porters.

Actor: promo for Man in the Iron Mask at Shakespeare Santa Cruz, in which I played the titular man (and his twin). It was a wild ride. Interviews and some show footage within.

Actor: my first audition tape. As it happens, I did not book it, though I did go on to work with the company again from ‘11 - ‘13. Surprised to discover it has so many views.

Actor: audition for Macbeth at Chicago Shakes. I did not book it, but this vid got me a callback for which they flew me out and put me up.

Director: Director’s Reel; footage & reviews from 2017 production of Pericles. Videography and editing by the amazing Zachary Andrews.

Actor: interview and some Hamlet; from “This Week in Shakespeare”

Actor/Director: Promo video of Henry V in the Porters’ bare-bones production, featuring “Once more unto the breech…”

Actor: montage of the gorgeous production of Romeo and Juliet at The Denver Center; playing Romeo to the stunning Lenne Klingman’s Juliet.

Actor: promo for Creditors at Ensemble Theatre. Loved getting to play Strindberg. Interviews and photos. within.

Actor: audition for Orsino in Twelfth Night at Alabama Shakes. I booked the job off of this. (Sir Andrew ended up being played by the brilliant Billy Finn.)

Director: promo vid for Pericles.

Artistic Director: follow this LINK to hear a radio interview I did with In the Theatre Radio and PRX. A lot of discussion about the Porters and theatre in general. Great chat with Neil Brookshire.

Actor: interview about The Mousetrap at Indiana Repertory Theatre.

Actor: promo video of Henry V at Shakespeare Santa Cruz; interviews with myself and the incredible Marco Barricelli (AD) and Paul Mullins (director), as well as some photos and footage.

Actor: montage of Three Musketeers at The Denver Center; featuring me looking wonderfully ridiculous as King Louis.

Actor: long clip from the Porters production of Oedipus. I was honored to play the title role, and in this scene, opposite the brilliant translator Jamey Hecht as Teiresias. Ours was the world premiere production of his published translation.